Unit 1 – Problem Solving (Short Questions)

Q.1. What is meant by problem solving?

Q.2. Define programming.

Q.3. Can a person be a good programmer if he is expert in problem solving?

Q.4. Define program.

Q.5. Why is it important to identify a problem?

Q.6. Why is it important to specify requirements to solve a problem?

Q.7. Will there be any problem if the requirements are not specified to solve a problem?

Q.8. Define the process of analyzing a problem.

Q.9. What is the importance of analyzing a problem?

Q.10. What is top down design?

Q.11 What method should be adopted to solve complex problems?

Q.12. Why is an algorithm designed to solve a problem?

Q.13. Why is flowchart designed to solve a problem?

Q.14. How is desk checking performed?

Q.15. What happens in the process of writing program?

Q.16. What is syntax of a programming language?

Q.17. Why should the programmer know the syntax of programming language to solve a problem on computer?

Q.18. Write down any two skills of a. good programmer.

Q.19. Differentiate between bug and debugging.

Q.20. Write different types of errors in the program.

Q.21. Why is it necessary to test a program?

Q.22. When does a syntax error occur?

Q.23. Write some causes of syntax errors.

Q.24. What is logical error?

Q.25. Give some causes of logical errors.

Q.26. How can a logical error be found in a program?

Q.27. How is runtime error found?

Q.28. Give some causes of run-time errors.

Q.29. Differentiate between run-time errors and logical errors.

Q.30. What type of error occurs by following a wrong algorithm?

Q.31. Why logical errors are the most difficult errors?

Q.32. Why a program should be maintained and updated?

Q.33. Why documentation is considered vital in problem solving process?

Q.34. Define an algorithm.

Q.35. What do you mean by refining an algorithm?

Q.36. Is it necessary for an algorithm to solve problem in finite number of steps? If yes, why? 

Q.37. Define flowchart.

Q.38. What is the Importance of flowcharts for writing computer program?

Q.39. Write any three guidelines for flowcharting.

Q.40. Write two advantages of flowchart.

Q.41. Write two limitations of flowchart.

Q.42. Differentiate between flowchart and algorithm.

Q.43. For what purpose rectangle symbol is used?

Q.44. Draw process symbol and write it use in flowchart.

Q.45. Which symbol is used to start and end the flowchart?

Q.1. What is meant by problem solving?

Ans: Problem solving is a process of identifying a problem and finding the best solution for it It is a skill that can be developed by following a well organized approach. Every problem is different in its nature. Different solutions of a problem are identified and the best solution is selected.

Q.2. Define programming.

Ans: Programming is a process of solving a problem with the help of computer system. It prepares different instructions for computer.

Q.3. Can a person be a good programmer if he is expert in problem solving?

Ans: Programming is a problem solving activity performed with the help of computer system. A programmer writes instructions in programming language and computer executes these instructions to solve a problem. A person can be a good programmer if he is expert in problem solving.

Q.4. Define program.

Ans: A set of instructions given to the computer to solve a: problem is called program. A computer works according to the instructions written in program.

Q.5. Why is it important to identify a problem?

Ans: Problem identification is an important step to find the correct solution of a problem. A problem cannot be solved if it is not identified correctly. In this stage, the problem is observed carefully and
major areas of concern are identified. The irrelevant information is removed in this step.

Q.6. Why is it important to specify requirements to solve a problem?

Ans: The requirement specification is a very Important step to solve a problem. The user requirements are specified clearly in this stage so that a proper solution can be suggested. A requirements document is prepared that describes the expected features of the system. It contains the details of the system that will be designed and used.

Q.7. Will there be any problem if the requirements are not specified to solve a problem?

Ans: It is not possible to find the correct solution of a problem if the requirements are not specified clearly. Many users cannot explain the exact requirements of the software. The confusing requirements in the mind of user may lead to a wrong solution.

Q.8. Define the process of analyzing a problem.

Ans: Analyzing problem is a process ‘of understanding the problem. The analysis of problem is very important stet’ to solve any problem. A problem cannot be solved without understanding it correctly.

Q.9. What is the importance of analyzing a problem?

Ans: The process of analyzing a problem is very important. In this step, a problem is divided into smaller parts. The smaller parts are solved independently. The process of problem solving becomes simpler and easier with this method.

Q.10. What is top down design?

Ans: The technique of dividing a problem in small parts is called top down design. It is also called divided and conquer rule.

Q.11 What method should be adopted to solve complex problems?

Ans: The top down method should be adopted to solve complex problems. This method divides a complex problem in small parts that can be solved easily.

Q.12. Why is an algorithm designed to solve a problem?

Ans: The designing of algorithm requires a list of steps required to solve a problem. It is then verified whether the algorithm solves the problems according to the requirement or not. The process of problem solving becomes simpler and easier with the help of algorithm.

Q.13. Why is flowchart designed to solve a problem?

Ans: A flowchart is designed after the designing of algorithm. Flo- ‘chart is a graphical representation of an algorithm. It helps to understand the algorithm easily. It is also helpful in understanding the flow of control and data in algorithm.

Q.14. How is desk checking performed?

Ans: Desk checking is used to verify- the accuracy of an algorithm. In this process, each step of algorithm is performed on the paper. Different values are given as input and the output is checked.

Q.15. What happens in the process of writing program?

Ans: In this step, an algorithm is converted into a program. The program consists of different steps given in the algorithm. The problem is solved when the computer executes the program.

Q.16. What is syntax of a programming language?

Ans: A set of rules of a programming language is known as syntax. A program must be written according to the syntax of a programming language.

Q.17. Why should the programmer know the syntax of programming language to solve a problem on computer?

Ans: A programmer selects a programming language whose syntax is known to him. He cannot write a program if he does not know the syntax. The problem cannot be solved on computer.

Q.18. Write down any two skills of a. good programmer.

Ans: Two skills of a good programmer include problem solving skill and programming.

Q.19. Differentiate between bug and debugging.

Ans: An error in program is called bug. The process of finding and removing errors in program is called debugging. The programmer can make different errors while writing programs.

Q.20. Write different types of errors in the program.

Ans: Different types of errors in the program include syntax errors, logical errors and run-time errors.

Q.21. Why is it necessary to test a program?

Ans: It is necessary to test a program to verify its accuracy. The program is tested by executing it again and again. All bugs in the program are detected and removed during program testing. It ensures that the program gives desired results and the problem is solved correctly.

Q.22. When does a syntax error occur?

Ans: A syntax occurs when an instruction is not written according to the rules of the programming language.

Q.23. Write some causes of syntax errors.

Ans: One cause of syntax error is typing a misspelled command in the program such as PRENT instead of PRINT. Another cause is trying to assign a value to a constant such as 5 = X.

Q.24. What is logical error?

Ans: A type of error that occurs due to poor logic of programmer is called logical error. A statement with logical error may produce unexpected and wrong results in program.

Q.25. Give some causes of logical errors.

Ans: One cause of logical error is using wrong conditions in program such as writing a < 5 instead of  a> 5. Another cause is using wrong formula in the program. such as writing. Average = Total * 5 instead  of Average – Total / 5.

Q.26. How can a logical error be found in a program?

Ans: A logical error can be found in a program by testing the program instructions thoroughly, checking all variables closely and testing all logical flows in the program.

Q.27. How is runtime error found?

Ans: A runtime error is found during the execution of program. It occurs when a statement directs the computer to execute an illegal or undefined operation.

Q.28. Give some causes of run-time errors.

Ans: One cause of run-time error is dividing a number by zero. Another cause is. opening a file that does not exist.

Q.29. Differentiate between run-time errors and logical errors.

Ans: A type of error that occurs during the execution of program is called run-time error. It occurs when a statement directs the computer ‘to execute an illegal or undefined operation. A type of error that occurs due to poor logic of programmer is called logical error. Logical error is difficult to find as compared to run-time error.

Q.30. What type of error occurs by following a wrong algorithm?

Ans: A logical error occurs by following a wrong algorithm.

Q.31. Why logical errors are the most difficult errors?

Ans: The logical errors are the most difficult because they cannot be detected by the compiler. They do not crash the program. That is why they are difficult to detect. The user needs to review the whole program to find out logical error.

Q.32. Why a program should be maintained and updated?

Ans: A program should be maintained and updated continuously. It includes the upgrading of the program to meet new requirements of hardware and software. The program is modified if there is any change in user requirements. The continuous usefulness of a program depends on regular maintenance.

Q.33. Why documentation is considered vital in problem solving process?

Ans: Documentation is very vital in problem solving process. It helps user to operate and understand program easily. It also describes how input data is identified in program and how output is formatted. It provides instructions to install program and requirement of operating system and hardware.

Q.34. Define an algorithm.

Ans: An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure to solve a problem. It is better to write algorithm before writing the actual computer program.

Q.35. What do you mean by refining an algorithm?

Ans: The process of refining an algorithm means that the algorithm is made simpler and easier to understand.

Q.36. Is it necessary for an algorithm to solve problem in finite number of steps? If yes, why? 

Ans: Yes, it is necessary for an algorithm to solve problem in finite number of steps. The reason is that the solution of any problem may not consist of infinite steps. The algorithm has a clear start and end. The solution is found when all steps of algorithm are performed in a sequence from start to end.

Q.37. Define flowchart.

Ans: Flowchart is a graphical representation of an algorithm. It is a way of visually presenting the flow of data, the operations performed on data and the sequence of these operations. A programmer prefers to design the flowchart before writing the computer program.

Q.38. What is the Importance of flowcharts for writing computer program?

Ans: Flowchart is important for writing computer program because it helps to understand the logic of problem solving process. The program can be written easily in any programming language after flowchart has been designed. The programmer can easily follow the steps of flowchart.

Q.39. Write any three guidelines for flowcharting.

Ans: Flowchart should be clear, neat and easy. to follow. The flow of a flowchart can be from left to right or top to bottom. Only one flow line should enter and come out of the process symbol.

Q.40. Write two advantages of flowchart.

Ans: The advantage of flowchart is that it acts like a guide for program development It also helps in debugging process.

Q.41. Write two limitations of flowchart.

Ans: The limitation of flowchart is that it is difficult to draw flowcharts for ‘complex problems. It has to be resigned if any change is required.

Q.42. Differentiate between flowchart and algorithm.

Ans: Flowchart consists of standard symbols but algorithm consists of simple English. Flowchart is more time-consuming bet algorithm is less’ time-consuming. Flowchart is difficult to modify but algorithm is easier to modify.

Q.43. For what purpose rectangle symbol is used?

Ans: Rectangle is used to represent a processing or computational operation in the flowchart.

Q.44. Draw process symbol and write it use in flowchart.

Ans: The process symbol is used to represent a processing or computational operation in the flowchart.

Q.45. Which symbol is used to start and end the flowchart?

Ans: The oval symbol is used to start and end the flowchart. It is also called terminal symbol.


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