Unit 1 – Problem Solving (Long Questions)

Exercise Solutions

Q.1. Fill in the blanks.

i. The set of instructions given to the computer to solve a problem is called  program

ii. The set of rules for writing programs in programming language is known as  Syntax  of the language.

iii. Flow chart is a  Pictorial  representation of algorithm.

iv. An algorithm solves a problem in  Finite  number of steps.

v. During  Analysis, a problem/is decomposed into multiple sub-problems.
vi. Debugging is the process of finding and removing    Errors    in a program.

vii. Program Implementation  refers to the installation of the program in the user environment.

viii. Occurrence of a Runtime error crashes the program.

Q.3. Write T for True and F for False statements.

i. Syntax errors occur due to wrong problem logic.  ( F )

ii. Top-down design is allowed to solve complex problems. ( F )

iii. Desk checking is the pro’:2ss of verifying the working of an algorithm.  ( T )
iv. Debugging is an important part of analysis. ( T )

v. Every stage of program development is documented ( F )

vi. A rectangle symbol is used for decision making in a flow chart.  ( T )
vii. Requirement document is not helpful at development stage. ( F )

viii. The usual direction of flowchart is from right to left. ( F )

ix. Annotation symbol is used for writing comments. ( F )

Q.4. What do you mean by problem solving? Briefly describe the problem solving process.
Q.5. What is debugging. How many types of errors can occur in a program? Describe briefly. 

Q.6. Define algorithm. Write a step-form algorithm for making a telephone call to your friend.            

Q.7. What are the advantages of flowchart? Discuss limitation of flowchart.  
Q.8. Draw a flowchart to find the largest of three numbers.  

Q.9. Write an algorithm to calculate the area of circle when the radius is given. Area=3.14*radius*radius  

Q.10. Answer the following-short questions.

i. List steps that should be followed to solve a problem. 

ii. What is analysis? Describe its importance in solving a problem.
iii. What method should be adopted to solve complex problems? Discuss briefly.

iv. What do you mean by syntax of a programming language?-Is it necessary to know the syntax for solving a problem on computer?  

v. Differentiate runtime errors and Logical errors. 

vi. Why documentation is considered vital in problem solving process? 
vii. Is it necessary for an algorithm to solve a problem in finite number of steps! if  yes, why? 

viii. Write purpose of the different flowchart symbol. 

ix. Compare the flowchart and algorithm. 

x. Write an algorithm to calculate the distance covered by a car moving at an average speed v m/s in time t. The algorithm should input average speed and time. (Hint s=vt where s is the distance traveled).  


Q.4. What do you mean by problem solving? Briefly describe the problem solving process.

Q.5. What is debugging. How many types of errors can occur in a program? Describe briefly. 


Q.6. Define algorithm. Write a step-form algorithm for making a telephone call to your friend.       


Q.7. What are the advantages of flowchart? Discuss limitation of flowchart.  

Q.8. Draw a flowchart to find the largest of three numbers.  


Q.9. Write an algorithm to calculate the area of circle when the radius is given. Area=3.14*radius*radius  


Q.10. Answer the following-short questions.

i. List steps that should be followed to solve a problem. 


ii. What is analysis? Describe its importance in solving a problem.

iii. What method should be adopted to solve complex problems? Discuss briefly.


iv. What do you mean by syntax of a programming language?-Is it necessary to know the syntax for solving a problem on computer?  


v. Differentiate runtime errors and Logical errors. 


vi. Why documentation is considered vital in problem solving process? 

vii. Is it necessary for an algorithm to solve a problem in finite number of steps! if  yes, why? 


viii. Write purpose of the different flowchart symbol. 


ix. Compare the flowchart and algorithm. 


x. Write an algorithm to calculate the distance covered by a car moving at an average speed v m/s in time t. The algorithm should input average speed and time. (Hint s=vt where s is the distance traveled).  
