Unit 5 – Designing Website (Short Questions)
Q.1 What is HTML?
Q.2 Define the term hypertext.
Q.3 What do you know about markup language?
Q.4 Define HTML, tag and element.
Q.5 What are the attributes of HTML tags?
Q.6 What are two types of HTML tags?
Q.7 Which are two main sections of an HTML page?
Q.8 Describe the basic text formatting tag.
Q.9 What is the difference between <BR> tag and <P> tag?
Q.10 List some important attributes of BODY tag.
Q.11 Name the tag to add images in HTML.
Q.12 Describe the attributes of <img> tag?
Q.13 How con you apply background color to a webpage?
Q.14 How can you assign a background image to the web page?
Q.15 Write HTML code to set background color to green and foreground text color to white.
Q.16 Which types of lists can be created in HTML?
Q.19 What is an unordered list?
Q.20 What is the use of UL tag?
Q.21 What is a definition list?
Q.22 What is the use of DL tag?
Q.23 What is hyperlink?
Q.25 What is use of <TABLE> tag? Write three any three attributes of TABLE tag.
Q.26 What are the three basic table elements?
Q.27 What is the use of <TR>, <TO> and <TH> tag.
Q.28 Differentiate between <TO> and <TH> tag.
Q.29 What is the use of COLSPAN and ROWSPAN attribute of table?
Q.1. What is HTML?
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a formatting language used to develop web pages. It uses tags or markups to specify how the contents of web page will be displayed. HTML code can be written in any text editor like Notepad.
Q.2. Define the term hypertext.
The term hypertext is used to refer to the special text in a webpage called. hyperlinks. The hyperlinks can be clicked to move from one webpage to another. They are used to navigate the World Wide Web (WWW).
Q.3. What do you know about markup language?
HTML is a markup language. It stands for hypertext markup language and is used to create webpages. A webpage consists of different elements that are represented by tags. Each tag marks specific text to appear in a specific way on the webpage. That is why it is called markup language.
Q.4. Define HTML, tag and element.
HTML tags are the keywords that denote different elements in HTML document. The HTML tags are surrounded by two angle brackets < >. The text between the start and end tags is called element.
Q.5. What are the attributes of HTML tags?
The attributes of HTML are used to specify the working of HTML tags. They provide additional information about the tags.
Q.6. What are two types of HTML tags?
Two types of HTML tags are paired tags and singular tags. The paired tags have start tag and end tag such as <H 1> and </H 1>. The singular tags have start tags but no end tag such as <LI>.
Q.7. Which are two main sections of an HTML page?
The two main sections of an HTML page are Head section and Body section. The Head section identifies the heading or title of document. The Body section contains the text that is displayed on a web page. The body section is enclosed within <BODY> and </BODY> tags.
Q.8. Describe the basic text formatting tag.
The basic text formatting tag is <FONT>. It has different attributes that can be used to specify different formatting such as font size, font color and font face. Some other formatting tags are <B> for bold, <I> for italic, <U> for underline, <SUP> for superscript and <SUB> subscript.
Q.9. What is the difference between <BR> tag and <P> tag?
<BR> is a line break and subsequent text will move to the line below. <P> is the paragraph tag and text will move two lines below. There will be a blank line between text before the <P> tag and text after <P> tag.
Q.10. List some important attributes of BODY tag.
Some important attributes of <BODY> tag are BGCOLOR, BACKGROUND and TEXT. The BGCOLOR specifies the background color of the web page. BACKGROUND specifies the background picture of the webpage. TEXT specifies the color of text displayed on webpage.
Q.11. Name the tag to add images in HTML.
The tag to add images is <IMG>.
Q.12. Describe the attributes of <img> tag?
The SRC attribute of this tag is used to specify the address of the image to be displayed. The BORDER attribute is used to apply border. The WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes are used to specify the width and width of the image. The ALT attribute is used to specify alternate text.
Q.13. How con you apply background color to a webpage?
The BGCOLOR attribute of BODY tag is used to apply a background color in HTML documents. This attribute is not supported in HTML 5.
Q.14. How can you assign a background image to the web page?
The BACKGROUND attribute of BODY tag is used to apply 6 background image in HTML documents.
Q.15. Write HTML code to set background color to green and foreground text color to white.
<BODY BGCOLOR=”green” TEXT =”white”>
This text appears in white color
Q.16. Which types of lists can be created in HTML?
Different types of lists are Ordered Lists, Unordered Lists and Definition Lists.
Q. 17. What is an ordered list?
An ordered list is a list of items in which each item is marked with a number. Ordered list
is also known as numbered list.
Q.18. What is the use of OL tag?
<OL> tag is used to create an ordered list. It stands for ordered list. <LI> tag is used with each item in the list. It stands for list item. It has no closing tag. </OL> tag is used to close an ordered list.
Q.19. What is an unordered list?
An unordered list is a list of items in which each item is marked with a symbol.
Q.20. What is the use of UL tag?
<UL> tag is used to create an unordered list. It stands for unordered list. <LI> tag is used with each item in the list. </UL> tag is Used to close an unordered list.
Q.21. What is a definition list?
A definition list is not a list of items. It consists of terms and description of terms.
Q.22. What is the use of DL tag?
<DL> tag is used to create a definition list. It stands for definition list. <DT> tag is used with each term in the definition list.
Q.23. What is hyperlink? .
Hyperlink is an icon, graphic or text in a document that links to other document or object. Each website on the Internet contains many pages that are linked with one another. The links are used to move from one page to another on the Internet.
Q.24. Define <A> tag and HREF.
All hyperlinks are created with the anchor tag such as <A>. Its closing tag is </A>. The HREF attribute of <A> is used to specify the link destination such as <A HREF=”destination.html”>
Q.25. What is use of <TABLE> tag? Write three any three attributes of TABLE tag.
The <TABLE> tag is used to define a table. Three attributes of TABLE tag include BORDER, COLSPAN and ROWSPAN.
Q.26. What are the three basic table elements?
The three basic table elements are <TABLE> <TR> <TD>.
Q.27. What is the use of <TR>, <TO> and <TH> tag.
<TR> tag is used to define a row in a table and <TD> tag is used to define a data cell. <TH> tag is used to define the header row of the table. .
Q.28. Differentiate between <TO> and <TH> tag.
The <TD> tag is used to define a data cell. The <TH> tag is used to define the header cell. The text in <TD> tag appears normal but the text in <TH> tag appears bold.
Q.29. What is the use of COLSPAN and ROWSPAN attribute of table?
The COLSPAN attribute specifies the number of columns for a cell. The ROWSPAN attribute the number of rows for a cell.