Unit 8 – Nutrition (Short Questions)

Q.1. Why an organism need nutrition?

Q.2. What happens when plants do not get nitrogen & magnesium?

Q.3. What is the role of Nitrogen and Magnesium as plant nutrient?

Q.4. What are natural organic and inorganic fertilizers?

Q.5. What is the main or direct source of energy in our nutrition?

Q.6. What is the role of lipids and Proteins in our body?

Q.7. What are the sources of Iron and Calcium for human?

Q.8. Classify Vitamins into groups and subgroups.

Q.9. How much amount of dietary fibre is essential for consumption as food?

Q.10. Define Balanced Diet.

Q.11. Give the name disease occuring due to protein deficiency and Iodine deficiency.

Q.12. Define Anemia and discuss its causes.

Q.13. What is the major cause of Malnutrition?

Q.14. During swallowing how the food is prevented to enter nasal cavity?

Q.15. Who maintains the acidic pH of stomach and why?

Q.16. How does carbonated drinks can result in bone weakinings?

Q.17. What are the symptoms of ulcer?

Q.1. Why an organism need nutrition?
Every organism requires food for gaining energy to drive several. metabolic processes and for growth.

Q.2. What happens when plants do not get nitrogen & magnesium?
The deficiency of nitrogen results in yellowing of the leaves & stunted growth. Deficiency of magnesium also results in yellowing of leaves as well as wilting.

Q.3. What is the role .of Nitrogen and Magnesium as plant nutrient?
Nitrogen is present as part of protein, hormones, chlorophyll, vitamins and enzymes so it is required by the plant to synthesize these biomolecules.

Q.4. What are natural organic and inorganic fertilizers?
Chemically unmodified rock phosphate, elemental sulfur and gypsum are included in Natural Inorganic fertilizers. Whereas natural organic fertilizers are derived from plant or animal materials.

Q.5. What is the main or direct source of energy in our nutrition?
Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy readily available to our body through nutrition.

Q.6. What is the role of lipids and Proteins in our body?
They are generally require for the synthesize of cell components. Except that they have different roles in our body as some proteins may act as enzymes to catalyze some reaction.

Q.7. What are the sources of Iron and Calcium for human?
Calcium is available to human in milk, cheese, egg yolk, beans, nuts, cabbage etc.
Iron is available. in the form of red meat, egg yolk, fish, mustard, spinach, whole wheat etc.

Q.8. Classify Vitamins into groups and subgroups.
Vitamins are mainly classified into:
i. Water Soluble
ii. Water Insoluble
Water Insoluble or fat-soluble vitamins include:
1. Vitamin A,
11. Vitamin D,
iii. Vitamin E
iv. Vitamin K
Whereas Water Soluble Vitamiris include
i. Vitamin Band
ii. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Q.9. How much amount of dietary fibre is essential for consumption as food?
Physicians recommend consuming 20-35 gram of fibre per day.

Q.10. Define Balanced Diet.
It can be defined as the diet having all the essential nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, Proteins, minerals and vitamins in the correct proportion for the normal growth of body. Age, Gender and activity states affect mainly the diet composition.

Q.11. Give the name disease occuring due to protein deficiency and Iodine deficiency.
Kwashiorkor and Marasmus are the diseases occuring due to Protein-energy malnutrition. Whereas Iodine deficiency leads to Goiter. It is characterized by the abnormal enlargement of thyroid glands.

Q.12. Define Anemia and discuss its causes.
Anemia means “Lack of blood”. The mineral deficiency cause reduction in number of blood cells to very low level. The major mineral deficiency-causing anemia is that of Iron. Without iron, hemoglobin can be made by our body and thus red blood cells stop functioning.

Q.13. What is the major cause of Malnutrition?
Famine, the lack of enough food to fulfil the need of all people living in some area is the major cause of malnutrition.

Q.14. During swallowing how the food is prevented to enter nasal cavity?
When the bolus moves to the back of mouth by tongue At the same time the soft palate closes the opening of nasal cavity b moving upwards.

Q.15. Who maintains the acidic pH of stomach and why?
Hydrochloric acid as part of gastric juice maintains the acidic pH of stomach so that pepsinogen can be easily converted into its active form pepsin.

Q.16. How does carbonated drinks can result in bone weakinings?
Carbonated drinks being acidic in nature remove most of the oxygen from our body. And the phosphoric acid present in it cause dissolution of calcium from our bones.

Q.17. What are the symptoms of ulcer?
Abdominal burning, nausea, loss of appetite and weight loss.